Saturday, September 12, 2009

everyday, i am constantly learning something different about myself. whether it be something small...such as being forgetful or something more taking people and lessons learned for granted. i am unsure why, but one day this week..i had a moment. not like a "bitch fit" or anything like that, but i was just full of so much emotion. i wanted to cry, but i held my tears back because crying is good..but it is something that you will not catch me doing unless im angry or in serious ok ok maybe a watery eye here and there..but its probably just allergies lol.

but yeah, i was at work and i was fine, like totally fine; actually i was eating, so i know i was happy lol and i was talking to the mister, who also makes me very happy..but for some reason emotion just came over me and if i was alone...i would have definatly let those tears flow.

I truely believe that crying is something that needs to be done while in a healing process; but that's just IT...i wasnt hurting; mentally nor physically.

I decided to end my lunch early and get back to work.

I spoke with my mom about it, and she told me that they could have been tears of happiness; REALLY?

i didnt buy that for a minute.

BUT i began to wonder..could she be right? was my random stream of emotion ALL due to me being happy? Am i really THAT happy? i didnt think so, but WHAT IF (<------ dont you just love those"what if's" lol) i truely am, and that was my body or mind expressing to me that I or ITS in a happy, comfortable state?

thats AMAZING.
"Got my dreams, got my life, got my love.Got my REAL frens, got the sunshine above."

Friday, August 14, 2009

omg is it true!

If I can blog from my's a wrap! Hope this works!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

when i do what i do..I DO IT.

so as i write im pondering "just what does life have in store for me?" I know the whole "you can be whatever you want to be"..but honestly is that true? I always believed that its all about who you know. like the rapper down the street, just happened to hand his demo to the RIGHT person; that aspiring model just happen to be seen by the RIGHT person; the list goes on. but im trying to figure out: who is that right person that needs to see me? I want to be a pediatric nurse..sometimes i wanna be a photographer..sometimes i wanna be a marine biologist..sometimes i wanna be a fashion designer. so with all those different occupations listed can you still say to me "you can be whatever you want to be"? seems rather hard. whatever it is..i gotta get it together soon. BUT of this very right now..i couldnt be happier..bittersweet isnt it?

xoxo tata

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 it goes..

sooo this is my first entry..and i am very excited about it! i think my life consist of good times,lessons learned...and "momma said there would be days like this" if you get my drift; therefore I'm sharing it with you guys! Even though I am sure I'll have only a few "followers"'ll still be a great vent space. i try..and 9 times outta 10 succeed in being positive you have to remember "if you catch me on a bad note, charge it to me being human" <----quote from @simplyglo ( check her of the nicest chicks you'll ever meet! okay..lettuce wrap this up! make sure u guys stay tuned for future gets better :)
--this is only a test next one is forealz!
xoxo tata